Board of Directors


Ignacio Lopez, Board Chair
National Louis University

Ignacio Lopez, Ed.D was President of Harold Washington College one of the seven City Colleges of Chicago. Prior to his presidency at Harold Washington Dr. Lopez served as the Deputy Provost of Academic and Student Affairs at National Louis University. He was a former faculty member and program chairperson in the National College of Education. Dr. Lopez’s research has focused on the ways in which schools are influenced by culturally responsive teaching and community engagement. Dr. Lopez is committed to community and community engagement; He serves as an elected school board member for Illinois School District 73, was an appointed governing board member for the University Center of Lake County, and has served in advisory capacity to several community organizations around the Chicagoland area. Dr.Lopez’s career in education includes positions as a high school English teacher, reading teacher and higher education administrator. Dr. Lopez holds a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Psychology and an MA in teaching, from National Louis University in Chicago, and a BA in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Lopez is author and coauthor of books and online articles, including The Essential Classroom Management Checklist and The Empowerment Approach to Behavior Management. His latest book is titled: Keeping it Real and Relevant: Building Authentic Relationships in your Diverse Classrooms, an ASCD publication.

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